Early Childhood Education - Bachelor of Science | Sitting Bull College

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Early Childhood Education - Bachelor of Science

Program Description

This bachelor's program in Early Childhood Education is designed for students seeking knowledge and expertise in the field of early childhood development and teaching. The curriculum includes instructional strategies, teaching methodologies, assessment techniques, theories of early childhood growth and development, and the impact of family and cultural diversity on early childhood. All courses are directly aligned with the North Dakota Early Childhood program requirements as defined by the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board (ESPB). The degree program has embedded practicum experiences throughout the coursework. 

Career Opportunities

Successful graduates must pass teacher license exams in the state in which they wish to teach.  States other than North Dakota may require courses specific to their state before licensure.  North Dakota Licensure requires passing scores of a Principals of Learning and Teaching (PLT) PRAXIS and a content (Early Childhood) PRAXIS exam.  Once these exams are passed, graduates from Sitting Bull College will be licensed to teach birth to grade 3 in the state of North Dakota.  Other states license in Early Childhood have similar grade ranges for their licenses. 

Contact Information

Chris Fried, Division of Education Director
Telephone: (701) 854-8040
Email: Chris.Fried@lcsgxgy.com  

Julianna Taken Alive, Education Faculty
Telephone: (701) 854-8049
Email: Julianna.takenalive@lcsgxgy.com